Day 6: Elephant Rock or Bust
Day 6
Goodnight Golden Gate…
I got good sleep, as usual, last night. Now, that is far different from, “I slept a lot last night.” I didn’t sleep a lot, but I did sleep good for the few hours that I laid down. ;-) Tomorrow would come early, as usual.
BTS for sunrise
As mentioned in yesterday’s blog, I woke this morning and scrambled down the cliff sides to a location that I’ve wanted to photograph for some time now. It seemed like the trail down to the beach would never end. Constantly running through my mind was the fact that I’d have to climb back up once the photography was done. No Bueno. At least I’d not have the sun’s position to be concerned with on the way back up. As for now, getting down had to be done quickly as sunrise wasn’t waiting around for me.
Golden Gate in Pastel | Prints Available
I didn’t plan for the tide when considering this location the evening prior. I didn’t catch it perfectly, but I got pretty close! I was hoping to get a nice reflection on the bridge in the wet sand. I managed to get in a few clicks before the tide ran me off.
Good morning from Marshall’s Beach
Having not really planned my visit to S.F., since merely coming this way on a whim, I cannot complain about the tide nor any of the conditions.
One look back before climbing up to where the Five Billion Star Hotel (IG) was parked.
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Welcome to the Valley Of Fire!
FF>> Fast forward quite a few hours and, poof!; I’m in Nevada! I’d been to this location once before It is the Valley Of Fire and this time I intended to find the Elephant Rock that I forgot existed during my last visit. I sure hope it’s not difficult to find!
Elephant Rock and I
Okay. Now I feel silly. Elephant Rock was super easy to find. How did I miss this on my previous trips? I just had to laugh at myself!
BTS at Elephant Rock before the shadows crept over.
I was taking my time photographing the rock as it was the middle of the day. Then, I looked behind me and realized I was tucked up against a very tall rock formation. Its height plus Elephant Rock being so close to it meant that I’d be in the shadows before long. I needed to hurry!
Final Image From Elephant Rock | Prints Available
After shooting Elephant Rock, I went to an old fave and decided to do a composite image of me with the Five-Billion-Star-Hotel (IG). :-)
Valley Of Fire, the Five-Billion-Star-Hotel, and I
If I look grumpy, it’s probably because of the 643 other people in the image that I had to edit out. :-)
On-The-Computer Training Opportunity
Are you interested in learning to edit your images? Check my availability and let’s get you editing!
Valley Of Fire and the dirty ole Five-Billion-Star Hotel
And with that, my trip was done. I still had to drive out of NV, across all of UT, and most of CO, but as far as photography goes, I was done. Other than one hellacious windstorm and some scouting down by Green River, there was nothing eventful in the rest of this trip. Fine by me. I’d rather long drives be uneventful.
Thanks for virtually coming along!
Until next time!
~ Faz