Harrison Crash
This is an overnight backpack trip to the Harrison Crash Site near Palmer Lake, CO.
The crash site is 5.5 miles from the Reservoir Trailhead in Palmer Lake, so the hike is shorter than Stanley Canyon, but more elevation change throughout. The trail is pretty tough and is still ice/snow-covered in most places. Microspikes will be mandatory. I also highly recommend hiking poles. After we reach the crash site, we will decide whether to camp nearby, explore further, or return part of the way back down the trail. The group will make a decision.
Based on the weather forecast, temperatures will likely be around 20 degrees overnight, and I expect we will get a few inches of snow up at that elevation (the forecast is for snow overnight Saturday). It should be a wonderful night to be in the wilderness. I still recommend a sleeping bag rated to 0 degrees, or a four-season tent with a sleeping bag rated to 20 degrees.
Based on the amount of snow I encountered, we should have plenty of access to water. There was a good flowing stream 2 miles into the trail but I have not explored that trail further so I am unsure of running water. My expectation is that there will be plenty.
We will meet at the Reservoir Trailhead in Palmer Lake. There is space for parking about 20 cars. I hope to see you all there.
This is a local Meet-Up event. To sign up, click here: https://www.meetup.com/Backpacking-Exploring-Colorado/events/267044130/