Day 2: Along The Merced

Day 2

It is not often that one can say that they had this view all to themselves. Well, I had this view all to myself! With the snow above melting, the water in the Merced was a bit elevated and flowing quickly. Regardless, with me just passing through, I’ll take these conditions anytime!

Yosemite was a planned stop, not based upon any particular composition, but based upon rule; I never pass into CA without stopping by Yosemite. Imagine me getting home and wanting to kick myself for being so close and not stopping to photograph such a beautiful place. Regarding composition, I always “play them by ear.” or, in this case, play them by conditions. Having driven so far, I’d be foolish to photograph a composition merely because it was what I had in mind vs what actual conditions dictate. Anyhoo, I needed to be hitting the road. I only had time for a morning image before setting a course to the coast!

Fast forward the width of California and POOF, I’m on the coast! My buddy Tau invited me, more than a year earlier, to come out and spend a few days shooting the coast with him. It was an offer that I couldn’t refuse!

I got to camp and needed to stretch my legs a bit. We headed down to the coast and had a look around. Soon, the sun would be setting. I was looking forward to catching a few ZZZs but first, I had to get the camera out and shoot a bit of low angled evening light!

I found myself drawn in by the wildflowers along the shoreline. The ocean breaking off in the distance seemed like a pleasing background.

The sunset came quickly and my body was ready for some relaxation. I’d started the day hours away at Mono Lake, and had an early rise and a long drive. It was time to rest up as tomorrow was surely going to be quite involved.

Jason Fazio

Husband | Father | Nature Lover | Outdoor Photographer


Day 3: Salt Point State Park


Day 1: Loneliest HWY